Gregoriou Cooking Videos

For our client Αλλαντικά Γρηγορίου, on April 2020 we prepared one digital activation enlisting the well-known Food Blogger and Influencer Paola Papacosta who went into her kitchen and created eight home-cooked recipes with products from the ‘Αλλαντικά Γρηγορίου’ for her family. The idea for every video that she prepared was simple and easy recipes that anyone can create at home. Every video was based on a different product. Paola Papacosta shared the whole experience with her followers from beginning to end, by posting photos on her stories of the cooking procedure and final result on her social media. The activation had a lot of positive results with the public relating with the image of a mother cooking in her kitchen with her family, which led to a lot of viewers repeating the recipes at home.