EUREKA - Open your closet and your heart - «Άνοιξε την ντουλάπα σου – Άνοιξε την καρδιά σου»

ABOUT THIS PROJECT Our client EUREKA and the brand EUREKA Classic Whitening powder invited Cypriots who wanted to rearrange their closets during the weather change, to give out their used clothing to RED CROSS Nicosia branch for people in need. The event «Άνοιξε την Ντουλάπα σου – Άνοιξε την καρδιά σου» with co-organizers the online women’s portal, took place at the Mall of Cyprus, a most visited mall centre in Nicosia, where through targeted publicity before the event, radio, digital communication, print/online and TV coverage, the people were asked to bring as many kilos of clothing as possible in exchange to EUREKA products. The Nicosia Red Cross branch, as a result, received more than a half of tone of clothing for the people in need. As a team, we were in charge for the whole coordination of the activity alongside all parties involved.